Prof. Xun-Li WANG
Chair Professor, Department of Physics
Director, Centre for Neutron Scattering
City University of Hong Kong
Research Associate
Dr. Si LAN
PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Muhammad NAEEM (PhD & Postdoc)
Currently Research Fellow at University of Birmingham, UK
Dr. Haiyan HE (PhD & Postdoc)
Currently Assistant Professor at Great Bay University, Dongguan, China
Dr. Chenchen YUAN (Postdoctoral Fellow)
Currently Associate Professor at Southeast University, Nanjing, China
Dr. Zhenduo WU (Postdoctoral Fellow)
Currently Assistant Director at CityU Dongguan Research Institute, China
Dr. Xiyang LI (Research Assistant and Postdoctoral Fellow)
Currently Postdoc at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Dr. Xiaoya WEI (PhD)
Currently at Shenzhen, China
Dr. Bing WANG (PhD)
Currently at Shandong University of Art & Design, Jinan, China
Mr. Yubin KE (Research Assistant)
Currently Research Fellow at China Spallation Neutron Source, Dongguan, China