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[1]     L. Zhu, H. Y. He, M. Naeem, X. Sun, J. Qi, P. Liu, S. Harjo, K. Nakajima, B. Li*, and X.-L. Wang*, “Antiferromagnetism and phase stability of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy,” Physical Review Letters, 133, 126701 (2024).

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[2]     G. L. Cai, Y. H. Li, Y. Fu, H. Yang, L. Mei, Z. Y. Nie, T. F. Li, H. Liu, Y. B. Ke, X.-L. Wang, J.-L. Brédas, M.-C. Tang, X. K. Chen, X. W. Zhan, X. H. Lu, “Deuteration-enhanced neutron contrasts to probe amorphous domain sizes in organic photovoltaic bulk heterojunction films,” Nature Communications, 15, 2784 (2024).

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[3]     X. Xia, T.K. Lau, X. Guo, Y. Li, M. Qin, K. Liu, Z. Chen, X. Zhan, Y. Xiao, P.F. Chan, H. Liu, L. Xu, G. Cai, N. Li, H. Zhu, G. Li, Y. Zhu, T. Zhu, X. Zhan, X.-L. Wang, X. Lu, "Uncovering the out-of-plane nanomorphology of organic photovoltaic bulk heterojunction by GTSAXS", Nature Communications, 12, 1, 1-10 (2021).

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[4]     S. Lan, L. Zhu, Z. D. Wu, L.n Gu, Q. H. Zhang, H. H. Kong , J. Z. Liu, R. Y. Song, S. N. Liu, G. Sha, Y. G. Wang, Q. Liu, W. Liu, P. Y. Wang, C. T. Liu, Y. Ren, and X.-L. Wang, “A medium-range structure motif linking amorphous and crystalline states,” Nature Materials (2021).

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[5]     H.Y. He, M. Naeem, F. Zhang, Y.L. Zhao, S. Harjo, T. Kawasaki, B. Wang, X.L. Wu, S. Lan, Z.D. Wu, W. Yin, Y. Wu, Z.P. Lu, J.J. Kai, C.T. Liu, X.-L. Wang, “Stacking Fault Driven Phase Transformation in CrCoNi Medium Entropy Alloy”, Nano Letters, 21, 3, 1419–1426 (2021).

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[6]     X. Y. Li, H. P. Zhang, S. Lan, D. L. Abernathy, T. Otomo, F. W. Wang, Y. Ren, M. Z. Li, and X.-L. Wang*, “Observation of High-Frequency Transverse Phonons in Metallic Glasses”, Physical Review Letters, 124, 225902 (2020).

[CrossRef]   [Google Scholar]   [CityU Research Story

[7]     M. Naeem, H. Y. He, F. Zhang, H. L. Huang, S. Harjo, T. Kawasaki, B. Wang, S. Lan, Z. D. Wu, F. Wang, Y. Wu, Z. P. Lu, Z.   W. Zhang, C. T. Liu, and X.-L. Wang*, "Cooperative deformation in high-entropy alloys at ultralow temperatures", Science        Advances, 6, eaax4002 (2020).

[CrossRef]   [Google Scholar]   [CityU Research Story]   [PressRelease from Japan Atomic Energy Agency]   (Selected to be Croucher Foundation feature news [Croucher News])

[8]     X. Y. Li, P.-F. Liu, E. Y. Zhao, Z. G. Zhang, T. Guidi, M. Le, M. Avdeev, K. Ikeda, T. Otomo, M. Kofu, K. Nakajima, J. Chen, L. H. He, Y. Ren, X.-L. Wang, B. T. Wang, Z. F. Ren, H. Z. Zhao, and F. W. Wang, “Ultralow Thermal Conductivity from Transverse Acoustic Phonon Suppression in Distorted Crystalline α-MgAgSb”, Nature Communications, 11, 1-9 (2020).

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[9]     C. C. Yuan, F. Yang, X. K. Xi, C. L. Shi, D. Holland-Moritz, M. Z. Li, F. Hu, B. L. Shen, X.-L. Wang, A. Meyer, and W. H. Wang, “Impact of hybridization on metallic-glass formation and design,” Materials Today, 32, 26-34 (2020).

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[10]     S. Lan, C. Y. Guo, W. Z. Zhou, Y. Ren, J. Almer, C. Q. Pei, H. Hahn, C. T. Liu, T. Feng*, X.-L. Wang*, and H. Gleiter, “Engineering medium-range order and polyamorphism in a nanostructured amorphous alloy,” Communication Physics, 2, 1-9 (2019).

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[11]     B. Wang, H. Y. He, M. Naeem, S. Lan, S. Harjo, T. Kawasaki, Y. X, Nie, H.W. Kui, T. Ungár, D. Ma, A. D Stoica, Q. Li, Y. Ke, C. T. Liu, and X.-L. Wang*, “Deformation of CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy at large strain,” Scripta Materialia, 155, 54-57 (2018).

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[12]     S. Lan, Y. Ren, X. Y. Wei, B. Wang, E. P. Gilbert, T. Shibayama, S. Watanabe, M. Ohnuma, and X.-L. Wang*, “Hidden Amorphous Phase and Reentrant Supercooled Liquid in Pd-Ni-P Metallic Glasses,” Nature Communications 8, 14679 (2017).

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This work solved a 40-year old scientific mystery.  The story was covered widely in news media in English, Chinese and Japanese.  Examples:

[]   [National Natural Science Foundation of China]   [Sina News]   [PressRelease from Hokkaido University]

[13]     H. S. Chen, and X.-L. Wang*, “China's first pulsed neutron source,” Nature Materials, 15, 689 – 691 (2016).

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[14]    A. Pramanick, M. R. V. Jørgensen, S. O. Diallo, A. D. Christianson, J. A. Fernandez-Baca, C. Hoffmann,

X. Wang, S. Lan, and X.-L. Wang, “Nanoscale Atomic Displacements Ordering for Enhanced Piezoelectric

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[16]    S. Cheng, S. Y. Lee, C. Lei, L. Li, J. Almer, X.-L. Wang, Y. M. Wang, T. Ungar, P. K. Liaw, “Uncommon Deformation Mechanisms during Fatigue-Crack Propagation in Nanocrystalline Alloys,” Physical Review Letters, 110, 135501 (2013).

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[17]    Y. Wu, D. Q. Zhou, W. L. Song, H. Wang, Z.Y. Zhang, D. Ma, X. L. Wang, and Z. P. Lu, “Ductilizing Bulk Metallic Glass Composite by Tailoring Stacking Fault Energy,” Physical Review Letters, 109, 245506 (2012).

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[18]    D. Ma, A. D. Stoica, X.-L. Wang*, Z. P. Lu, B. Clausen, D. W. Brown, “Moduli inheritance and the weakest link in metallic glasses,” Physical Review Letters, 108, 085501 (2012).

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[19]    X.-L. Wang, K. An, L. Cai, Z. Feng, S. E. Nagler, C. Daniels, K. J. Rhodes, D. L. Wood, III., A. D. Stoica, H. D. Skorpenske, C. Liang, W. Zhang, Y. Kim, Y. Qi, and S. J. Harris, “Visualizing the chemistry and structure dynamics in Li-ion batteries by in-situ neutron diffraction,” Scientific Report, 2, 747 (2012).

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[21]    Z. W. Zhang, C. T. Liu, X.-L. Wang, K. C. Littrell, M. K. Miller, K. An, and B. A. Chin, “From embryos to precipitates: a study of nucleation and growth in a multicomponent ferritic steel,” Physical Review B, 84, 174114 (2011).

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[22]    S. Cheng, Y. Zhao, Y. Wang, Y. Li, X.-L. Wang, P. K. Liaw, and E. J. Lavernia, “Structure modulation in nanocrystalline NiFe driven by cyclic deformation,” Physical Review Letters, 104, 255501 (2010).

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[23]    S. Cheng, Y. Zhao, Q. Wei, X.-L. Wang, Y. Ren, P. K. Liaw, H. Choo, and E. J. Lavernia, “Substantial Deformation of Nanocrystalline NiFe Alloy under Dynamic Loading,” Advanced Materials, 21, 5001–5004 (2009).

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[24]    S. Cheng, A.D. Stoica, X.-L. Wang*, Y. Ren, J. Almer, J.A. Horton, C.T. Liu, B. Clausen, D.W. Brown, P.K. Liaw, and L. Zuo, “Deformation cross-over: from nano to meso scales,” Physical Review Letters, 103, 035502 (2009).
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[25]    D. Ma, A. D. Stoica, and X.-L. Wang*, “Power-law scaling and fractal nature of the medium range order in metallic glasses,” Nature Materials, 8, 30-34 (2009).

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[26]    L. Yang, M. K. Miller, X.-L. Wang*, C. T. Liu, A. D. Stoica, D. Ma, J. Almer, and D. Shi, “Nano-scale solute

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[28]    X.-L. Wang, “Application of neutron diffraction to engineering problems,” review article in JOM, March, 53-58 (2006).

[Restricted access to The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) members only]

[29]    X.-L. Wang*, T. M. Holden, G. Q. Rennich, A. D. Stoica, P. K. Liaw, H. Choo, and C. R. Hubbard, “VULCAN – The Engineering Diffractometer at the SNS,” Physica B, 385-386, 673-675 (2006).

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[30]    X.-L. Wang*, J. Almer, Y. D. Wang, J. K. Zhao, C. T. Liu, A. D. Stoica, D R. Haeffner, and W. H. Wang, “In-situ Synchrotron Study of Phase Transformation Behaviors in Bulk Metallic Glass Using Simultaneous X-ray Diffraction and Small Angle Scattering,” Physical Review Letters, 91, 265501 (2003).

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[31]    Y.D. Wang, H. Tian, A. D. Stoica, X.-L. Wang*, P. K. Liaw, and J.W. Richardson, “Development of Large Grain-Orientation-Dependent Residual Stresses in a Cyclically-Deformed Alloy,” Nature Materials, 2, 101-106 (2003).

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